Monday, 29 August 2011

Plot holes.

I have plot holes. Much like potholes, they lead for a bumpy ride. So I have written a plot outline for a film and my lecturer has given feedback that 'this is heading in a very positive direction.' He unfortunately also pointed out two major holes in the plot, which I was aware of but was trying to ignore in the hope that anyone reading the script would be stupid. Alas my plan has failed and so I have some hole mending to do before I write my treatment. And as everything is usually intertwined in a film this means pulling everything apart and starting again.

Meanwhile it is a public holiday here and I am sitting in my grey London flat. Lots of my friends are off sunning themselves around Europe but no I am not bitter, because while I have my plot holes and negative bank balance, I also have grapes, a bathroom light that is now working again and I am wearing a hat. So now I must write. But first here are some creative ideas that I like:

1: This one sold me a song. 

Watching New Zealander Liam Finn perform at XOYO, London.
2: This one sold me an event. 
Long copy for an Adidas London Olympics advertisement currently in London Undergrounds.

You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about me. You don’t know what i’m made of or just how much I’m capable of. You don’t know where i’ve come from nor where I’m heading. You know nothing of my highs or my lows. You don’t know how fast I am, how strong I am, how resilient I am. You haven’t got a clue what breakfast cereal I eat, what fragrance I wear or who I’m dating. You don’t even know my name. But you will.

Background to this advertisement being made.  

3: This one made me cry. 
Not long ago I signed up to the Facebook group for The Cool Hunter. It is a great news feed and website full of inspiring photos, quotes and videos. A good one for procrastinating. The visual statements photo album is particularly good. Here is some good copy from one of the statements:

"It is not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follow."

A while back the following video came through on The Cool Hunter Facebook feed and I started to well up at my desk.

I couldn't watch until the end incase it led to full blown sobbing. A few hours later I took some deep breathes and skimmed through the ending with one eye shut. This comment I saw sums up my reaction "is someone cutting onions around here?" 45 people liked that comment. Although I just saw someone's comment ask "how would he hear the thud?" Damn hole hunters!

4. And this little piggy made me want to get me and my hat out of here!

Cheers to creativity and those who endure the bumps along the road. 

Monday, 22 August 2011

The Tree of Life - the aftermath.

There was much anticipation leading up to seeing The Tree of Life. Friends had warned of numerous people walking out and even shared tales of how they had fallen asleep. One review described how the audience did a joint nervous giggle at the end. To me that made it sound all the more interesting.

For those of you not familiar with the movie, here is the trailer:

So off I went to the movies to see it. I did see people walk out and I can imagine some people did fall asleep but I liked it! I think people who know me wouldn't find that much of a surprise though. I did discover what the nervous laugh is, it is that moment at the end when you turn to your friend, or your other half as in my case, and you know they hated the last two hours of their life and all that comes out of your mouth is a weird giggle thing as you try to calculate if they will punch you or vomit on you.

People I believe didn't like it because this movie makes you think and some people don't want that from a movie. And that is fine because there a plenty of movies that are just made to entertain, fit the genre and keep the audience happy.

I like many people didn't like how long the evolution/nature sequence was but my interpretation of that is that it was suppose to make you feel uncomfortable, and wake you up from just going through the motions of watching yet another movie. Sometimes people need a fright to appreciate/learn things.

Anyway here is a random brain dump of what I wrote down about an hour after watching the film.

If you work too hard, you'll miss all the things around you.

Why does Sean Penn have his break down at that age? What is going on at the beach? What does walking through the door mean?

What was the shot of the loft with the tall man and the boy in chair?

You can be the best person and bad things will still happen.

Babies are cute. 

Good people don't always win. 

Strict, perfectionist yet patents job looked fun. Nice house at the end.

Like the finale of Lost, so many questions? What did happen in Lost? Damn it! 

Reminds me of losing to the French in the Rugby World Cup and thinking 'wtf just happened?'

Grief, looking for answers.

Snapshots of life, cinematography. You see something you want to remember, blink really hard, replays.

Don’t know the characters names.

Makes me miss the country, the quiet life.

Republican voting Christians - did he grow up amongst that or is he guessing/researched. 

Was written and directed. Imagine if separate, trying to decipher the screenplay. Love to see the screenplay!

I thought I would be loved because I was successful.

So as you can see it will get your brain buzzing. In comparison I went and saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The only thing I was thinking after that movie was James Franco is hot, which I already knew. The best Russell could come up with was "why was the ape wearing pants?"

I do recommend The Tree of Life if you want something different. It will make you stop and take a look around, for the nearest exit for some or for others, life and all it has to offer.